Class DescriptorBuilder

  • public class DescriptorBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    Builds a method descriptor for you. See the documentation to better understand what this is. Parameters must be given in a specific order. Return type should always be specified for clarity, but defaults to void.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Public constructor.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      DescriptorBuilder addParameter​(java.lang.Class<?> param)
      Adds a parameter of the given class type to the method.
      DescriptorBuilder addParameter​(java.lang.String param)
      Adds a parameter with the type specified by the given fully qualified name to the method.
      DescriptorBuilder addParameter​(java.lang.String param, int arrayLevel)
      Adds a parameter with the type specified by the given fully qualified name (example: java.lang.String) to the method, with the specified array level.
      java.lang.String build()
      Builds the descriptor into a string.
      static java.lang.String nameToDescriptor​(java.lang.String name, int arrayLevel)
      Converts a fully qualified name and array level to a descriptor.
      DescriptorBuilder setReturnType​(java.lang.Class<?> returnType)
      Sets the return type to the given type.
      DescriptorBuilder setReturnType​(java.lang.String returnType)
      Sets the return type to the Object specified here as a fully qualified name.
      DescriptorBuilder setReturnType​(java.lang.String returnType, int arrayLevel)
      Sets the return type to the Object specified here as a fully qualified name (example: java.lang.String), with the specified array level.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DescriptorBuilder

        public DescriptorBuilder()
        Public constructor. Initialises default values.
    • Method Detail

      • setReturnType

        public DescriptorBuilder setReturnType​(java.lang.Class<?> returnType)
        Sets the return type to the given type. Passing a Class may cause problems if used with objects outside the Java SDK. Pass the fully qualified name as a String rather than the Class object for non-standard types.
        returnType - the Class object corresponding to the return type
        the builder's state after the change
      • setReturnType

        public DescriptorBuilder setReturnType​(java.lang.String returnType)
        Sets the return type to the Object specified here as a fully qualified name. Example: java.lang.String. No validity checks are performed: it's up to the user to ensure the name is correct.
        returnType - the fully qualified name of the desired Object.
        the builder's state after the change
      • setReturnType

        public DescriptorBuilder setReturnType​(java.lang.String returnType,
                                               int arrayLevel)
        Sets the return type to the Object specified here as a fully qualified name (example: java.lang.String), with the specified array level. No validity checks are performed: it's up to the user to ensure the name is correct.
        returnType - the fully qualified name of the desired Object.
        arrayLevel - how many levels of array are there (example: String is 0, String[] is 1, String[][] is 2, etc.)
        the builder's state after the change
      • addParameter

        public DescriptorBuilder addParameter​(java.lang.Class<?> param)
        Adds a parameter of the given class type to the method. Parameter order matters. Passing a Class may cause problems if used with objects outside the Java SDK. Pass the fully qualified name as a String rather than the Class object for non-standard types.
        param - the Class object corresponding to the parameter
        the builder's state after the change
      • addParameter

        public DescriptorBuilder addParameter​(java.lang.String param)
        Adds a parameter with the type specified by the given fully qualified name to the method. Example: java.lang.String. Parameter order matters. No validity checks are performed: it's up to the user to ensure the name is correct.
        param - the fully qualified name of the parameter type
        the builder's state after the change
      • addParameter

        public DescriptorBuilder addParameter​(java.lang.String param,
                                              int arrayLevel)
        Adds a parameter with the type specified by the given fully qualified name (example: java.lang.String) to the method, with the specified array level. Parameter order matters. No validity checks are performed: it's up to the user to ensure the name is correct.
        param - the fully qualified name of the parameter type
        arrayLevel - how many levels of array are there (example: String is 0, String[] is 1, String[][] is 2, etc.)
        the builder's state after the change
      • build

        public java.lang.String build()
        Builds the descriptor into a string. Example result: int m(Object[] o) becomes ([Ljava/lang/Object;)I
        the resulting descriptor
      • nameToDescriptor

        public static java.lang.String nameToDescriptor​(java.lang.String name,
                                                        int arrayLevel)
        Converts a fully qualified name and array level to a descriptor.
        name - the fully qualified name of the object type
        arrayLevel - how many levels of array are there (example: String is 0, String[] is 1, String[][] is 2, etc.)
        object descriptor