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AmbiguousDefinitionException - Exception in ftbsc.lll.exceptions
Thrown when the processor finds multiple methods matching the given criteria.
AmbiguousDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.lll.exceptions.AmbiguousDefinitionException
Constructs a new ambiguous definition exception with the specified detail message.
anonymousClassWarning - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
Whether the processor should issue warnings when compiling code anonymous classes which can't be checked for validity.
appendMemberFinderDefinition(VariableElement, ExecutableElement, Target, MethodSpec.Builder, ProcessorOptions) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.JavaPoetUtils
Appends to a given MethodSpec.Builder definitions for a proxy.
ASTUtils - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor.utils
Collection of AST-related static utils that didn't really fit into the main class.
ASTUtils() - Constructor for class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils


BareInjector - Annotation Type in ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
Marks the class in question as a class to be added to the service provider file (META-INF/services/ftbsc.lll.IInjector) without actually processing it.
bridge() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target
When set to true, tells the processor to match the synthetic "bridge" method generated by the compiler to handle type erasure.
buildStringReturnMethod(String, String) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.JavaPoetUtils
Builds a MethodSpec for a public method whose body simply returns a String.


ClassContainer - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor.containers
Container for information about a class.


data - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.ClassContainer
The ClassData for the class represented by this container.
data - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.FieldContainer
The FieldData for the field represented by this container.
data - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.MethodContainer
The MethodData for the method represented by this container.
descriptor - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.FieldContainer
The descriptor of the field.
descriptorFromExecutableElement(ExecutableElement, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Builds a method descriptor from the given ExecutableElement.
descriptorFromType(TypeMirror, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Builds a type descriptor from the given TypeMirror.
descriptorObf - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.FieldContainer
The obfuscated descriptor of the field.
descriptorObf - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.MethodContainer
The obfuscated descriptor of the field.


elem - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.ClassContainer
The TypeElement corresponding to the class.
elem - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.FieldContainer
The VariableElement corresponding to the field.
elem - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.MethodContainer
The ExecutableElement corresponding to the method.
env - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
The environment the processor is acting in.


FieldContainer - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor.containers
Container for information about a field.
Find - Annotation Type in ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
Overrides the marked method in the Injector, having the implementation return a built MethodProxy or FieldProxy with the specified characteristics.
findAnnotatedElement(Element, Class<? extends Annotation>) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Finds, among the methods of a class cl, the one annotated with ann, and tries to build an Element from it.
findMember(ClassContainer, String, String, boolean, boolean, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Finds a member given the name, the container class and (if it's a method) the descriptor.
findOrFallback(ClassContainer, Patch, Find, ProcessorOptions) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.ClassContainer
Finds and builds a ClassContainer based on information contained within Patch or a Find annotations, else returns a fallback.
findOverloadedMethod(TypeElement, ExecutableElement, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Tries to find the method being overloaded by the given ExecutableElement.
findSyntheticBridge(TypeElement, ExecutableElement, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Tries to find the "synthetic bridge" generated by the compiler for a certain overridden methods.
from(ExecutableElement, Target, Find, ProcessorOptions) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.MethodContainer
Builds the MethodContainer corresponding to a stub annotated with Target.
from(TypeElement, ProcessorOptions) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.ClassContainer
Safely extracts a Class from an annotation and gets its fully qualified name.
from(VariableElement, ProcessorOptions) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.FieldContainer
Finds a FieldContainer from a finder.
from(T, Function<T, Class<?>>, String[], ProcessorOptions) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.ClassContainer
Safely extracts a Class from an annotation and gets its fully qualified name.
ftbsc.lll.exceptions - package ftbsc.lll.exceptions
ftbsc.lll.processor - package ftbsc.lll.processor
ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations - package ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
ftbsc.lll.processor.containers - package ftbsc.lll.processor.containers
ftbsc.lll.processor.utils - package ftbsc.lll.processor.utils


generateDummies(TypeElement) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.JavaPoetUtils
Generates a HashSet of dummy overrides for every abstract method in a given class, represented as a TypeElement.
generateInjector(InjectorInfo, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.JavaPoetUtils
Generates the wrapper around a certain injector.
getClassData(String, Mapper) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Gets the ClassData corresponding to the given internal name, or creates a false one with the same, non-obfuscated name twice.
getFieldData(String, String, Mapper) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Gets the FieldData corresponding to the field matching the given name and parent, or creates a dummy one with fake data if no valid mapping is found.
getMethodData(String, String, String, Mapper) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Gets the MethodData corresponding to the method matching the given name, parent and descriptor, or creates a dummy one with fake data if no valid mapping is found.
getProcessorOptions() - Method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.LilleroProcessor
Returns the ProcessorOptions for this instance, creating the object if it hasn't been already.
getProxyType(VariableElement) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Utility method for finding out what type of proxy a field is.
getSupportedOptions() - Method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.LilleroProcessor
Method overriding default implementation to manually pass supported options.
getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.LilleroProcessor
Always returns the latest version since this should never break.
getTypeFromAnnotation(T, Function<T, Class<?>>, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Safely extracts a Class from an annotation and gets a TypeMirror representing it.


injector - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.InjectorInfo
The ExecutableElement corresponding to the injector method.
Injector - Annotation Type in ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
Marks a method as the injector method for purposes of generation.
InjectorInfo - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor.containers
Container for information about a class that is to be generated.
InjectorInfo(ExecutableElement, ExecutableElement, Target, ProcessorOptions) - Constructor for class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.InjectorInfo
Public constructor.
inner() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find
For a TypeProxy, this refers to the target itself rather than its parent.
inner() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Patch
This contains the inner class name(s) to append, separated by a $ symbol, to the already acquired fully-qualified name.
internalNameFromType(TypeMirror, ProcessingEnvironment) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Gets the internal name from a TypeMirror.
InvalidClassNameException - Exception in ftbsc.lll.exceptions
Thrown when the user provides manually an invalid class name.
InvalidClassNameException(String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.lll.exceptions.InvalidClassNameException
Constructs a new exception for the specified name.


JavaPoetUtils - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor.utils
Collection of static utils that rely on JavaPoet to function.
JavaPoetUtils() - Constructor for class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.JavaPoetUtils


LilleroProcessor - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor
The actual annotation processor behind the magic.
LilleroProcessor() - Constructor for class ftbsc.lll.processor.LilleroProcessor


mapModifier(Modifier) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Maps a Modifier to its reflective Modifier equivalent.
mapModifiers(Collection<Modifier>) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Takes in a Collection of AST Modifiers and returns them mapped to their reflective integer equivalent.
mapper - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
The Mapper used to convert classes and variables to their obfuscated equivalent.
MethodContainer - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor.containers
Container for information about a method.
methodName() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target


name() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find
For a FieldProxy, this is the name of the field to find.
noServiceProvider - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
Whether the processor should skip the generation of the service provider.
NotAProxyException - Exception in ftbsc.lll.exceptions
Thrown when a method is annotated with Find but does not return a known instance of AbstractProxy.
NotAProxyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.lll.exceptions.NotAProxyException
Constructs an exception for the specified method.


obfuscateInjectorMetadata - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
Whether injector metadata (what is returned by the functions of IInjector) is to use obfuscated names instead of its normal names.
of() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target
Indicates which of the methods annotated with Find or Injector is targeting this stub.
OrphanElementException - Exception in ftbsc.lll.exceptions
Thrown when an annotated element that needs to be paired with another does not match with any.
OrphanElementException(Element) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.lll.exceptions.OrphanElementException
Constructs an exception for the specified method.


parent - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.FieldContainer
The ClassContainer representing the parent of this field.
parent - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.MethodContainer
The ClassContainer representing the parent of this method.
Patch - Annotation Type in ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
Marks the class as containing an injector for a user-specified Class.
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.LilleroProcessor
Where the actual processing happens.
ProcessorOptions - Class in ftbsc.lll.processor
Class in charge of containing, parsing and processing all processor options, from the simpler booleans to the more complicated mapper.
ProcessorOptions(ProcessingEnvironment) - Constructor for class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
The public constructor, parses and stores all given arguments.


reason - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.InjectorInfo
The reason for the injection.
reason() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Injector


shouldValidate(String) - Static method in class ftbsc.lll.processor.utils.ASTUtils
Checks whether a certain class name is valid, and whether the processor is able to validate its existence.
strict() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target
When set to false, tells the processor to first try to match a single method by name, and to only check parameters if further clarification is needed.
SUPPORTED - Static variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.ProcessorOptions
A Set of options currently supported by the processor.


target - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.InjectorInfo
The MethodContainer corresponding to the target method.
Target - Annotation Type in ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
Marks a method as the target method.
Target.List - Annotation Type in ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations
Used to support Target as a Repeatable annotation.
TargetNotFoundException - Exception in ftbsc.lll.exceptions
Thrown upon failure to find an existing method from a stub.
TargetNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.lll.exceptions.TargetNotFoundException
Constructs a new target not found exception for the specified method stub.
TargetNotFoundException(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.lll.exceptions.TargetNotFoundException
Constructs a new target not found exception for the specified method stub.
targetStub - Variable in class ftbsc.lll.processor.containers.InjectorInfo
The ExecutableElement corresponding to the target method stub.
type() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find
This overrules a field type.
typeInner() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find
This is to be used in cases where private inner classes are used as parameters.


value() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Find
value() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Patch
value() - Method in annotation type ftbsc.lll.processor.annotations.Target.List
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