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BadListenerArgumentsException - Exception in ftbsc.geb.exceptions
Thrown when there is something wrong with a listener method.
BadListenerArgumentsException(String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.geb.exceptions.BadListenerArgumentsException
The constructor.
BadListenerArgumentsException.Count - Exception in ftbsc.geb.exceptions
Thrown when the number of arguments is off.
BadListenerArgumentsException.Type - Exception in ftbsc.geb.exceptions
Thrown when the argument is of the wrong type.


Count(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.geb.exceptions.BadListenerArgumentsException.Count
The public constructor.


ftbsc.geb.exceptions - package ftbsc.geb.exceptions
ftbsc.geb.processor - package ftbsc.geb.processor


GEBProcessor - Class in ftbsc.geb.processor
GEB's annotation processor, which takes care of generating the dispatchers.
GEBProcessor() - Constructor for class ftbsc.geb.processor.GEBProcessor
getSupportedSourceVersion() - Method in class ftbsc.geb.processor.GEBProcessor
Sets the supported source version to the latest one.


init(ProcessingEnvironment) - Method in class ftbsc.geb.processor.GEBProcessor
Initializes the processor with the given environment.


MissingInterfaceException - Exception in ftbsc.geb.exceptions
Thrown when a parent of a listener method does not implement the appropriate interface,
MissingInterfaceException(String, String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.geb.exceptions.MissingInterfaceException
The public constructor.


process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class ftbsc.geb.processor.GEBProcessor
The starting point of the processor.


Type(String, String, String) - Constructor for exception ftbsc.geb.exceptions.BadListenerArgumentsException.Type
The public constructor.
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